The Cedar of Lebanon (Cedrus libani) stands as one of the most iconic and revered trees in history, holding deep spiritual, historical, and cultural significance across centuries.

Native to the mountains of the Eastern Mediterranean, particularly in Lebanon, parts of Turkey, and Syria, this evergreen coniferous tree has captivated civilizations with its majestic stature, reaching heights of up to 120 feet, and its expansive canopy that can stretch up to 45 feet wide.

Beyond its imposing physical presence, the Cedar of Lebanon has woven itself into the fabric of ancient civilizations. The tree’s durable and aromatic wood made it a highly sought-after resource in ancient times.

The Phoenicians used it for shipbuilding, the Egyptians for construction and mummification, and King Solomon famously sourced it for the construction of the First Temple in Jerusalem. Symbolically, it is frequently mentioned in religious texts, especially the Bible, representing strength, endurance, and holiness.

Today, the Cedar of Lebanon remains an emblem of national pride for the Lebanese people, immortalized in the center of their national flag, a testament to its enduring legacy and significance.