Ceropegia sandersonii is a species of flowering plant in the family Apocynaceae that is native to Mozambique, South Africa, and Swaziland.

Common names are parachute plant, fountain flower, and umbrella plant.
It is evergreen, prostrate, slender twiner, nearly hairless, with sparse, succulent leaves. The distinctive greenish-white funnel-shaped flowers are 2–3 inches long on a delicate stalk. Due to the fact that the corolla lobes are partially fused, the opening of the flowers is partially inhibited. The tips of the petals do not separate, but instead form a roof or umbrella-like dome on the flower, while the fused bottom forms the tube. The plant has a distinct method of pollinating. Sandersonii uses a scent described as being a touch of lime or citrus. It contains substances mimicking the fear pheromones of bees. The scent attracts carnivorous flies hoping for a meal. The small hairs in the flower trap the flies temporarily where they become coated in pollen during their escape. This turns them into unsuspecting pollinators.