daylight saving time clocks

Daylight Saving Time (DST) is a widely adopted practice of setting the clock forward by one hour during the warmer months to extend the evening daylight, thus conserving energy and allowing people to make the most of the longer daylight hours.

This change typically occurs in the early hours of a Sunday, minimizing disruption to weekday schedules.

The concept was first proposed by Benjamin Franklin in 1784 and has since been implemented in over 70 countries worldwide, though not without controversy and debate regarding its actual benefits and the inconvenience of adjusting biannual schedules.

The transition out of Daylight Saving Time marks a return to Standard Time, usually occurring in the autumn. This “falling back” grants an extra hour of sleep on the night of the change, a small concession for the shorter daylight hours to come.

The shift can impact health, business operations, and international coordination. As the days grow shorter in the lead-up to the winter solstice, evening activities are curtailed by the early onset of night, and the morning hours become brighter.

While the practice’s efficacy is periodically called into question, it remains a ritual in many parts of the world, a marker of the seasons changing, and a reminder of the ancient human practice of aligning our lives with the rhythms of the sun.