The world's oldest fruit tree is believed to be the olive tree, Olea europaea, an ancient symbol of peace, wisdom, and prosperity.

With a history dating back thousands of years, olive trees have been cultivated since the Bronze Age, making them an integral part of various civilizations, including those of the Mediterranean region.

The Olive Tree of Vouves, an ancient, gnarled tree located in the village of Ano Vouves on the Greek island of Crete, is one of the oldest in the world and is still bearing fruit today.

Estimated to be between 2000 and 3000 years old, this monumental tree stands as a testament to the enduring significance of olive trees in Mediterranean culture, symbolizing peace, wisdom, and prosperity.

Its sprawling, twisted branches and robust trunk tell a story of resilience and survival, having withstood countless generations and weathered various climatic changes.

The Olive Tree of Vouves is not just a botanical wonder; it’s a cherished national monument, attracting visitors from around the world who come to marvel at its longevity and reflect on the history it has silently witnessed.

This tree isn’t just a testament to the past; it continues to contribute to the local culture, with its olives used in producing oil, and its branches sometimes used in ceremonial wreaths for the Olympic Games, linking the ancient past to the present.