Sissinghurst Castle Garden, located in Kent, England, is known for its stunning beauty and rich history, but a fact that stands out is the concept behind its design.

The garden was created by Vita Sackville-West, a poet and writer, and her husband Harold Nicolson, a diplomat and author, in the 1930s. Instead of following a single, unified design, they organized the garden into a series of “rooms.”

Each room has its own unique character, theme, and mood, created through the use of distinct plants, colors, and layouts. The idea was to evoke different feelings as visitors moved from one garden room to another, much like walking through a well-curated house.

These rooms, enclosed by high clipped hedges and pink brick walls, include the White Garden, the Cottage Garden, the Rose Garden, and several others, each offering a unique atmosphere and experience. Moreover, Sackville-West was known for her “tower writing room,” situated at the top of a Tudor tower in the middle of the gardens.

It’s here that she penned her weekly gardening column for The Observer, often drawing inspiration from her immediate surroundings. This setup reflects her deep connection with the garden and her desire to be immersed in the very environment she helped create.

Lear more about the Sissinghurst Castle Garden on their website.