meyer lemon

Meyer Lemon Not True Lemon: Did You Know?

The Meyer lemon is not a true lemon but rather a hybrid, believed to be a cross between a regular…


Agapanthus: Growing Tips, Exciting Varieties, and Breeding Advances

Elevate your garden with Agapanthus: vibrant blooms, growing tips, and exciting varieties. Explore…

bright flowers in sensory garden

Sensory Gardens – Engaging Nature’s Allure: Did You Know?

Explore sensory gardens - a therapeutic oasis with textures, colors, scents, tastes, and sounds.…

gardening trends 2024

Gardening Trends In 2024: What’s Blooming in Backyards?

In the ever-evolving world of garden design, staying abreast of the latest trends is key for anyone…

poaching history man trap

Man Traps & The History of Poaching: Did You Know?

During the Middle Ages, the practice of poaching in royal forests and private lands was a serious…

growing camellias guide

Growing Gorgeous Camellias: A Quick Guide for Success

Cultivate stunning camellias effortlessly with our quick guide. From planting to care, grow…

olive tree history

Olive Tree History: Did You Know?

The world's oldest fruit tree is believed to be the olive tree, Olea europaea, an ancient symbol of…

Hawaiian Silversword

Hawaiian Silversword: Did You Know?

The Hawaiian Silversword, Argyroxiphium sandwicense, is a remarkable and iconic plant endemic to…

2024 gardening resolutions

2024 Garden Resolutions: Cultivating a Thriving Oasis

As the clock strikes midnight and we usher in the new year, it's the perfect time for garden…

mistletoe viscum album

The Mistletoe Plant: Did You Know?

Mistletoe, Viscum album, is a parasitic plant known for its cultural significance, especially…

gardening christmas poem

A Gardener’s Christmas Poem “A Night Before Spring”

'Twas the night before Christmas, in the garden so fair, Where blooms were still sleeping, no…

Poinsettias Care

Poinsettias Care & Interesting Facts: Tips for Success

Master poinsettias care with our expert tips! Explore fascinating facts and ensure success in…

live christmas wreath

Live Christmas Wreaths: Did You Know?

Live wreaths are a quintessential part of Christmas decorations in the United States, embodying the…

most popular christmas trees

The Most Popular Christmas Trees In The USA

The most beloved cut Christmas trees in the United States reflect a blend of tradition, aroma, and…

Bag of frankincense at Dubai spice souk

Frankincense & Myrrh: Did You Know?

Frankincense and myrrh, two of the most ancient and mystical resins, are derived from the sap of…

plants to attract bees

The Buzz about Bees: Top Plants to Attract Pollinators to Your Garden

In the vibrant world of gardening, there's a secret to cultivating a thriving, buzzing ecosystem…